Saturday, 16 June 2012


Day 14 - adventure to get to salima started. We left Embangweni and once again said goodbye to the children at the school and collected our equipment.  We set off after breakfast in our bus with trailer just going through embangweni the connection to the trailer broke. so frieghton our bus driver managed to get someone in the town to weld it after half an hour we set off again and it broke once again this time along the road in the middle of no where. We all had to get out and wait with the trailer while the bus went back to town to get it ptoperly fixed.

3 hours went by at the side of the road, many cars slowed down just to see the 'musungo' sat at the side of the road. We passed the time with music, stories and playing cards. The bus finally game back all fixed and ready to go.

We dropped half our team, all the ABC students off at kasungo where they were to get a bus to lilongwe. It was a sad time. When we got back on the bus it felt empty just peter myself and the US team.
 We were 5 hours late on out schedule to salima. which did cause a problem as we needed to go through a game reserve to get to salima at it closed at 6pm. It was now 6.30. the man at the entrance said we could not  pass due to it being night time, Peter and freighton discussed with him and the man said we could pass for extra money 'bribary' . we passed through and by 9.30 we arrived at salima, night time but still looked beatuiful and alot different to the previous accomdation we stayed in. day 15 awoke to waves crashing and a lovely included buffet breakfast ....perfect, time for a swim in the pool.

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